
Sunday, January 06, 2013

He has been there and He says it is going to be well (if you want it to be..)

Happy New Year Good people!!
Can you imagine  it is already day 5 of 2013! So far it has been awesome, am trying to keep this blogging thing going on, so here is the first post of the year.

Let me start with a small warning come disclaimer: IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED MEN IN BLACK 3 AND INTEND TO WATCH IT, STOP HERE, THIS IS A SPOILER!! ok, now that, that is out of the way, lets get into this.

Following hot in the foot of my last post on lessons from 2012, i very confidently stated that i am on that upward climb, and many of you wondered how i could have that much confidence and even the guts to put it down on a blog, what if things took to the worst. Lets just say and i quote "But I am not ashamed, because I know the One I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day" 2 Tim 1:12 ... and what is that day you may ask, weell, that day can be tomorrow, next week, a month, a year or even 20 years from now, however, i chose to believe it is in every moment that i trust God with my life, and that makes it every single moment.

This brings me to MB3, i have to say it is a fascinating movie, and i am most likely to watch it again. It has a lot of new characters, and the story line is weell, it is MB what do you expect, i loved it. In this installation of the trilogy, my favorite character is Griffin, the weird looking, over dressed little man who holds the secret of saving the world. This little guy not only had  this little secret, but he could see the future, he could see from just a few seconds to go, to years, decades and even centuries away. Not only that, he could see the past, further , he could see above the earths sphere, basically, he lived beyond time and space, as someone (not sure who, hence need to watch it again) said, he lived in 5D. He saw a character's life in several parallel but different possible futures depending on what actions and decisions they made, but the good thing is, only one of them came to reality. His character brings  Newtons 3rd Law into tangible reality, before you go off googling it is the one on Action and Reaction: "Every Action has an Equal and opposite reaction". This Griffin guy keeps verbalizing various possible realities, and each reality is determined by a characters action, in Newtons words, each reaction is based on a characters action.

In one of the scenes, he states that a touch down (i think that is what it is called) in a very specific baseball Mets game is his favorite moment in human history. He holds both J and the younger K and takes them to that moment (years ahead, and to J who is from the future it is in the past, and he knows how it happened) and then goes ahead to explain all the various decisions and actions prior to that moment that made that one moment in human history a reality, this went as far back as the moment the guy who caught the ball was conceived, to what his colleagues ate for dinner the previous night (if you are following, all this is yet to happen). I have to say this to me was one of those AHA! moments, as he recreated that moment  - a mash-up of so many actions - he really caught my attention and that of J, who asked the same questions i would have asked. So to me, Griffin became the main character, as he guided the plot and storyline, and J. His grasp of the future informed the others on what action to take. In some instances he would clearly tell them what to do at what time so as to get the desired result. I especially love the scene where he gave the other black guy in the movie a glimpse of the future (am not going to spoil it for those of you who are still reading and want to watch the movie) allowing him to make the decision that eventually led to saving the world.

Griffin, might have been a little weird and over dressed for my taste, but he reminded me of someone else who holds superior powers, and who like Griffin wants the best possible reality to come to pass Jer 29:11 "I know the plans i have for you, says the Lord, Plans of Good and not evil to give you a future full of hope", to me Griffin embodies this, he had been to the future, actually several futures and knew one of them was awesome!  he actually knows that the best reality is the one with the truth.

But what happens when we make a questionable decision, that despite our best intentions we are on the wrong, well lets say Griffin like God loves interventions, when J and K had lost hope in saving the world and were actually under arrest with all their world saving equipments confiscated, little over dressed Griffin stepped in (you have to watch the movie to know what i am talking about).  At that moment, K and J while making some questionable moves, had also stuck to the truth, it reminded me of this verse "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28, God loves interventions, He loves stepping into our reality and making it His best moment in Human history, but that is, if we allow Him to, if we chose to follow that path, you know the one that he has promised  that He won't leave us alone, like Griffin, stepped into K and J's life to save the world, God has promised that Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21.

If i don't write as much as i intend to write is to listening .... have a wonderful 2013

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