
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why Optimizing Africa?

Hallo World!
I have been meaning to start this blog for a while now, but all the cool names that i wanted to use, seems someone else had used. But here i am with Optimizing Africa.

Why Optimizing Africa? Well if you know anything about computing or computer science you will know that we are in the business of optimization.

According to the Merriam Webster Online dictionary the word was coined in 1857(really cool fact to know) it is an act, process, or methodology of making something (as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible;

Being a computer scientist, the whole concept of optimization is fascinating, there are gazillions of line of codes written every day to make processes run faster, business make more profits and help people make better the decisions. All this is cool in the world of computing and profitability, but being an African, the moment i step out of the safe space that is the geekdom; the stuck reality of things i encounter in my everyday life have more often than not made me wonder whether am really in the right career.

This blog is dedicated to that reality and my journey through graduate school and the starting of a career in the hope of making computing relevant to Africa. I hope you pause for a moment to give a comment or two.